'David Cole', '/mutual_funds/' => 'Mutual Funds' ); $page_herelink = '/mutual_funds/money.html'; $page_heretext = 'How Mutual Funds Earn Money'; require ($page_depth . 'includes/inc_top.html'); ?>

Mutual Funds

How Mutual Funds Earn Money

A mutual fund is a means of investing that enables individuals to share the risks of investing with other investors. All contributors to the fund experience an equal share of gains and losses for each dollar invested. A mutual fund owns the securities of several corporations. A mutual fund pools money from hundreds and thousands of investors to construct a portfolio of stocks, bonds, real estate, or other securities, according to the kind of investments the mutual fund trades. Investors purchase shares in the mutual fund as if it was an individual security. Fund managers hired by the mutual fund company are paid to invest the money that the investors have placed in the fund. Heeding the adage "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" the holders of mutual fund shares are able to gain the advantage of diversification which might be beyond their financial means individually.